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Currently 12 machines for sale
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Worldwide Power Products

Based in Houston, Texas, Worldwide Power Products is the consumer’s choice in power generation equipment. Specializing in engine and generator sets for the marine, industrial and petroleum industries, we have established ourselves as one of the most customer-service centered companies in Texas. Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality equipment and customer service. Worldwide Power Products is a leading resource for buying and selling new and used engine and generator sets. Our customers are able to choose between a variety of brands, including Caterpillar, Cummins and Hi Power. Custom packaging and engine rebuilds are also available. We have the engineering and technical resources to properly size and custom package power for your unique applications. Listed in Forbes list of “America’s 100 most promising Companies”, WPP is committed to the customer. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us at (713) 434-2300, or fill out our Contact Information survey on our webpage at www.wpowerproducts.com

Address: 5711 Brittmoore Rd.
Houston TX 77041
United States
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Worldwide Power Products