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Currently 12 machines for sale
Verrified seller Verified Seller

Rocktec Drills Inc.

Over the past 38 years, Rocktec Drills has been learning the Ins and Outs of the Heavy Machinery business. We understand the complexities of customers’ needs and the importance of truthfully representing the capabilities and condition of a piece of equipment that someone is looking to purchase or sell. Our products and listings are fully listed on our website. Feel free to check our website to view these, as well as our Company’s Mission Statement. If you don’t see what you need at this time, please make sure to subscribe to the updates on the site so as soon as more units arrive, you’ll automatically be notified. Can’t find what you need? Feel free to contact us at (413) 203-5250, or by filling out the survey under the “Contact” tab at the top of our webpage.

Address: Bayberry Dr.
Easthampton MA 01027
United States
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"Rocktec Drills Inc."
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Rocktec Drills Inc.