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Currently 12 machines for sale
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Global Recycling Equipment is a shredder design build group that has been in the recycling business since 1966. Tire Shredders to Metal Shredders, we make them all and that is why we are so unique to this industry, we have our own brands that cover all of the designs in the recycling equipment field. Our brands include Eidal shredders, TPA shredders, Garbalizer shredders, Shredding system shredders, O and E Shredders, Shredpax, Tiger Shredder, Titan Shredder, Green Shredder, Shredmaster Shredder, Shearmaster shredder, Genox Shredder, ZZS Shredder, Newell Shredder, Shredderhotline shredders, Global Recycling Equipment shredders, and China shredders.

Address: Eidal Harris Shredder Manufacturing Facility
P.O. Box 998
315 W 12th Avenue
Cordele GA 31015
United States
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