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Currently 12 machines for sale
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Aring Equipment Company, Inc.

Since 1939, Aring Equipment Company, Inc. has been serving the construction and aggregate production industries. What was once a 4-employee organization has grown to 80 with branch offices in Butler (Milwaukee), De Forest (Madison), Green Bay and Eau Claire. For over 75 years, we’ve been supplying contractors and municipalities, among others, with quality and dependable equipment. Our extensive line of equipment includes everything from earth moving equipment to a diverse line of aggregate equipment. Aring has become well known in the industry for providing quality customer service both before and after the sale. Our techs participate in equipment factory training on a continual basis and in 2012 and 2013 Aring was honored with the prestigious award for highest trained technical group in the Americas. We have also had several technicians who have won global awards in individual competition. Whether it be rental, sales, or service, Aring has both the equipment and customer service to fulfill your needs.

Address: 13001 West Silver Spring Dr.
Butler WI 53007
United States
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"Aring Equipment Company, Inc."
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Aring Equipment Company, Inc.