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Currently 8 machines for sale
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Washington County Tractor

The Washington County Tractor Company is committed to be the best in the eyes of our customers, employees, community, and industry, and to reflect honesty, integrity and Christian standards and values in all we do. Since 1939, the Washington County Tractor Company has been serving customers in the friendliest of manners. Since being a part of a Ford tractor Dealership, Washington County Tractor has grown to six locations, each fully staffed with trained and experienced staff ready to meet and needs the customer may have. Washington County Tractor specializes in New and Used Equipment, Spare Parts, Accessories, and Assessments. With our price sheets online and in the dealership, Washington County Tractor knows that the lowest price is important! We always have, and always will look out for our clientele. We also offer a variety of clearance items to ensure you find the best price around. Our trained and experienced staff are always standing by to answer any questions you may have about inventory, pricing, or anything else. Feel free to contact us at any one of our 6 locations by looking under the “Contact Us” tab on our website, www.wctractor.com.

Address: 1889 Hwy 290 E
Brenham TX 77834
United States
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"Washington County Tractor"
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Washington County Tractor