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Currently 8 machines for sale
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Team Boone

You can depend on Team Boone to be your Kentucky Hyundai, LiuGong & Dressta dealer. Team Boone even our own line of Hydraulic Breakers - No one can Beat Our Prices! Team Boone specializes in selling and renting heavy equipment for individuals as well as contractors. We work hard to maintain a good selection of equipment such as: dozers, compactors, backhoes, loaders, articulated trucks, aerial equipment, forklifts, skid steers, hydraulic breaker hammers and much more. No matter what you are looking for, Team Boone is here to meet your needs. We look forward to earning your business in the future!

Address: 150 Schuler Dr.
Bardstown KY 40004
United States
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"Team Boone"
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Team Boone