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Currently 8 machines for sale
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Rackers Equipment Company

Rackers Equipment Company is your premier connection for all of your mining and aggregate needs. Our goal is to provide the products, services, and knowledge needed to complete all of your most important jobs. Rackers Equipment Company is an authorized dealer for Furukawa rock drills. Although we specialize in drilling, we represent over a dozen companies dealing with breakers, crushers, screening, earth moving, and replacements parts. We are here to provide your company with the resources needed for the mining and aggregate industry. We invite you to browse through the new and used equipment we have offer. If you do not see what you are looking for, please let us know by contacting us. We hope you will include us in selecting the right equipment to meet your needs and goals.

Address: PO Box 104524
Jefferson City MO 65110
United States
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"Rackers Equipment Company"
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Rackers Equipment Company